Teen Model Underwear Is It Gay If I Model This Stuff.....?

Is It Gay If i model this stuff.....? - teen model underwear

I am a 6 'teen model and 175 pounds in this way and have a 6-pack.
Am I, if I make gay model Briefs, Speedo, underwear and even Tho I do not usually use too ....
They also want the belt male model ... is gay, what should i.
As well as captain of the football, basketball and baseball, and I'm with the girls all the time, so I'm not gay. Please only serious answers


Thomas T said...

Joseph, as gay, are you sexually attracted to men. The type of clothes you have) contribute and vote (either externally or internally nothing to do with sexual attraction. Do you have other fantasies of having sex with other men? Are you attracted to other socially you know? If you desperately want to have sex with men, then yes, you're gay.

Modeling does not mean that you are gay!

Wesley A said...

First gay "in this sense is the right of gay slang. Now go find homosexuals found in the dictionary when you say nothing about modeling, or Lingerie. Gay dudes you love another time, it has nothing to do with underwear. If you are the panties of women modeling for the cover of "Out" magazine, then I say that perhaps would be gay. Otherwise, a matter unrelated.

And on a similar note, just because one sport and girls do not necessarily make you right either! Many gay sports (football, basketball, etc.) as well. Some are in the closet, open other than him. And many gay men have tried going out with girls before, and adapt to, and not as an act that is aSigns that someone, just because it is absurd.

I think about this stereotype, and quite frankly, this kind of noise uncertainty. Perhaps you are gay and trying to excuse why they can not be gay too. Or maybe you have to be made right and just, a homophobe (which is even worse). No one here can say whether you are gay or straight, what we were led there. Only you can know whether this issue is really irrelevant.

Grow up! Use what you use and the model on which model you want. None of this has to accept with sexuality and everything, what is your sexuality, be pleased with him and not learn. Stop the stereotypes and labels to people, because it is childish and stupid. Good day.

kaptainf... said...

Yes, if a swimsuit model and everything, what is your name and address of the company for gay America and sent to record and send you a membership card and a pair of Spandex bike shorts with flowers, roses printed on them.

Then he listed as "homosexual" and can be as subcategorised sissyboy ',' drama queen "," gay "or" paranoid "

SweetDe... said...

Sorry, but why this question even if they "know" that is not gay ... This seems a little confused and uncertain. I am a little excited he was to retire to her son, 6 pounds '175, Tan, and a 6-Pack ... Looks like only the people you want to comment on her appearance.

Matt N said...

How can anyone be for a serious answer to a question, frankly, not serious? But my uncle, it seems that you "Do not try" to be gay in order for a bit too straight, in my opinion ... and anyway, what are ya, homophobic?

aj said...

If you act like a gay, you gay.
If you have the feeling that you are gay gay.
If you want a gay gay.

So what else?


Starling Clark (RIP MJ) said...


You're gay, they are attracted to and have sex with men.

You are not gay, but if you chose to dance around a bridge in his underoos.

MSU69 said...

I did not know that the use of certain messages, a gay bathing suit or underwear. I assume that male swimmers wear Speedos are gay? If an athlete an athlete?

lee said...

Yes, if u want to have gay sex with men, but I would def not gay ur model if the model or in strips. is considered to be gay in my book.

screw you said...

They are a flamming ****** get a life and suck some dickkkkkkkkkkkkk

John Milton said...

It's sorta gay to ask this question.

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