Phone Directory Great Britain Advertising Agencies Directory?

Advertising Agencies Directory? - phone directory great britain

I would like a list of marketing agencies in Europe, and I
I hope you can help me.

Here are the details of the research:

The list should include: company name, phone number,
Website and e-mail (not a contact form, but a real e-mail

The type of business instant messaging in the market are primarily advertising --
Organization of events and BTL agencies, but I'm also interested in
Advertising agencies and media in general (typically large
Advertising agencies have a doctorate or service events).

The countries that I am interested in all European countries, in particular:

A good answer might be a reference to a directory with no less than
1000 companies in the European advertising. multiple links (or the sum
the number of companies).

Also, consider the marketing contacts
multinational companies as valid.


Gary B said...

You can check the portfolio section of the site of ICOM ( to. ICOM is an international network of 56 years, the independent advertising agencies in 60 countries. Members capabilites strong BTL.

For more information, please contact me at 1 720 261 4829th


Gary Burandt
Executive Director

Sameer A said...

To advertsie your site search engine when you register and create a profile. Remember, your site will be visible to all, since only put your profile on search engines

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