Treat Discus For Internal Bugs How Do I Treat My Discus For Ick. They Are Covered In It And I Have Treated With "Ick Away" And They're Worse.

How do I treat my discus for ick. They are covered in it and I have treated with "Ick away" and they're worse. - treat discus for internal bugs

My tank was 30 gallons in place for about 4 weeks ... I have 2 blue rams (2 inches), 2 slices (3 inches), 2 dwarf Guam (2 inches) and 1 angel ().... Ick 3inch blue sheep, the other day, so that between them in another container, but it's so much about tanks. I have a water change of 50% the next day. The blue sheep are fine, but I'm still in the separate tank b / c now the discussion yesterday ick developed. Try water, and when I returned to today's discussion much worse. In fact, it is floating on the side on top of the water but still breathing. He began to swim again, if I eat well (flakes cycle). I also think the days EVERYOTHER frozen into the blood. I do not know what to do., .. pH 7.0, so I put a few drops of salt to about 6.8? Who knows what I might be wrong ...?


nosoop4u... said...

Since preventing the temperature at 80 degrees + does not prevent the lifecycle of the intangible cultural heritage - in fact accelerating. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the tank very hot, if more of PCI with drug or salt. Did you remove your carbon filter? If not, will refer only to drugs. When this happens, it might be better to spend Ridicharles instead of "Ick Away" (you should always remove carbon).

On a side note, the tank is not big enough for adult discus, so ready to be spending a round basin. The reason you see this massive epidemics of ego, because you are a ridiculous number of fish in an aquarium cycles. The ammonia and nitrite that are produced by fish is converted to nitrate (less toxic), it is having regard to the fish so that they more susceptible to diseases. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

EDIT: They are all medications, unless the direct instructions and salt used for at least a week, but two are better. In addition, 88 degreesis a little exaggerated.

Jack H said...

Unfortunately, you is a common mistake, and on the tank, today released chemicals to try to alleviate a problem, they make the situation even worse, please try d 'learned from this experience, the temperature rise be useful But try to increase the flow of air into the reservoir, to do something different, not only the pressure on the fish.

You should try to learn more about Aquaria, try a local club if the fish than the floppy disk that you need know-how, want to keep.

Good luck.

Jack H said...

Unfortunately, you is a common mistake, and on the tank, today released chemicals to try to alleviate a problem, they make the situation even worse, please try d 'learned from this experience, the temperature rise be useful But try to increase the flow of air into the reservoir, to do something different, not only the pressure on the fish.

You should try to learn more about Aquaria, try a local club if the fish than the floppy disk that you need know-how, want to keep.

Good luck.

mr. Deneau said...

put the fire until the mid-80s not allowed, its cycle of ICH and infect other fish are also finished tries to drugs they are dependent for about 14 days, ensure you treat that all who I am.

Fgsdh F said...

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